Rate Limits

The maximum number of API calls that you can make within a specific time period is called a rate limit. Hevo establishes a rate limit for all its public APIs to ensure resource availability for all users, prevent the denial of service (DoS), and contain the impact of any cascading failures. These APIs may include:

  • Public APIs provided by Sources to access and ingest data.
  • Public APIs provided by Destinations to load data.
  • Hevo public APIs for performing different actions in the Hevo platform. Read API Docs to know more about the different APIs that Hevo offers.

API rate limit

Hevo allows a maximum of 100 requests to its public APIs per minute per user. This means that in any 60-second window, you can make up to 100 API calls. However, you can contact Hevo Support to increase the limit as per your requirement.

Exceeding the API rate limit

If the API rate limits is exceeded, Hevo displays the error message: Request rate limit exceeded, and rejects any new API requests. You must wait for the limit to reset before you can make your next API request.

Best practices to avoid rate limiting

The following best practices can help you avoid exceeding the API rate limit:

  • Introducing sleep timers: You can introduce sleep timers in your code. This involves adding a delay between consecutive requests made to the API. It also gives the API server enough time to process each request. This reduces the frequency of API requests, preventing you from exceeding the rate limit.
  • Implementing a rate limiting algorithm: You can implement an algorithm that limits the number of API calls that you can make in a specific time interval. For example, Token Bucket and Leaky Bucket rate limiting algorithms.