I created a Pipeline using Hevo API; how will I know if it has failed?

If your Pipeline fails, Hevo sends alerts according to the preferences you have set up. Read Alerts for more information.

Can I run the Hevo API any number of times?

No, you cannot run the Hevo APIs any number of times. Hevo imposes a limit of 100 API requests per minute per user. This is done to ensure resource availability for all users, prevent the denial of service (DoS), and contain the impact of any cascading failures. Read Rate Limits to know about the best practices to avoid exceeding the rate limit.

Are Hevo APIs free?

Yes, the Hevo API is available for free to all Trial Account users and users on Free and paid plans.

Which authentication scheme does Hevo use for the APIs?

Basic. The API token and secret key that you provide as the username and password during authentication is combined with a colon (:) and sent as a Base64-encoded key in the header of the API request.

Does Hevo offer any helper libraries or SDKs?

As of now, we do not provide these. All the major languages provide support to make API calls these days. Any popular library in your language of choice can be used to make these API calls.

Does Hevo provide webhook support for sending information on events occurring in the Hevo app?

No. Hevo uses Alert emails and notifications to inform you of any events occurring in your Hevo account.

Does Hevo provide any sandbox/testing account to test the APIs?


What should I do in case of permission-related errors like “account members are not permitted to perform this action”?

Create the API keys using an owner account to get full access. The current keys were probably generated with a member account.

Why do I need to authenticate myself on each endpoint?

This is required, as, without the credentials, it is impossible for Hevo to identify the user making the API call.

Does authenticating once on an endpoint work for the entire team?

No. Each API request should contain valid creds irrespective of the user who is making the request, the location from where they are making the request, and however many times they make the same request.

What happens if my Pipeline is already running as per the ingestion schedule set up in the Hevo app, and I trigger it via the API endpoint?

If the Pipeline is already ingesting data and a Run Pipeline operation is triggered via the API, this results in a no-op. Further, triggering ingestion using the API does not affect the scheduled ingestion for the object. That continues to occur as per the frequency set for the Pipeline.

Why does the API response have fewer properties than the response template?

Some properties are optional and make sense only in certain scenarios. For example, webhook_url in the pipeline object is only relevant for Webhook-type sources. The response schema itself is generic, but the actual response returned always contains only the valid and relevant elements.